Some thoughts as to where lockdown has left our children.

| Dr Ilse Ruane

The coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdown has left us wondering how to accurately gauge the impact the situation is having on children, teens and people’s mental health and wellbeing. While people’s experiences of lockdown might be varied, everyone would confirm that it has been a challenging time in some or other way.  Parents are aware of the complex and sometimes …

Stop bad mouthing, rumours, gossip and talking behind backs

| Dr Ilse Ruane

Dr Ilse Ruane Rumour spreading, gossiping and talking behind people’s backs is destructive.  It destroys people’s reputations and causes a range of social problems such as exclusion.  As parents, educators and coaches, we need to teach children to live with integrity.  It is common knowledge that people love to gossip and we must teach children to stay out of it.  …

Let the children play.

| Dr Ilse Ruane

Sport should be fun! Sport brings camaraderie, unity and happiness to people of all ages. But it’s greatest contribution is in terms of mental, physical and social development to children and adolescents.  Staying active promotes good health. Research has shown that living an active lifestyle from a young age decreases the chances of serious medical conditions. Regular exercise can have a …